W4YPX Jr activated Park US-0641 on 4/26/24 from the Hawk’s Glide overlook at Little River Canyon. He used an EFHW wire antenna and a Yaesu 450D. W4CAJ Colton Showed up toward the end of the activation to make a few contacts. Total contacts was 67 and one of them was to France.

Jr W4YPX decided to go out to Bucks Pocket State Park US-1035 on June 7, 2024 to complete his kilo. He ended up with 106 contacts Felix KN4BRU and Colton W4CAJ and Darryl AB4DH come to hang out for a bit. Running his Yaesu 450D and EFHW antenna

Colton Jones W4CAJ activated park US-1035 Buck’s Pocket State Park on 8/23/2024 on CW. 24 contacts on a Kenwood TS-570D and an efhw antenna.